As you get back into the rhythm of school life, make sure brushing twice a day is part of your family routine. If you’ve got reluctant brushers, here are some tips to encourage the habit:
If you're shopping for school supplies, grab some extra toothbrushes so you can swap out new ones. Hard to remember when you last changed toothbrushes? Change it each time a report card comes out.
Besides getting all of the required supplies for school, you can start the school year right with a dental cleaning and exam. Ask your child’s dentist about sealants and fluoride treatments to prevent decay. These treatments are easy ways to stop cavities before they start. And they can even improve your child’s performance at school. A third of children miss school because of oral health problems, according to Delta Dental’s 2015 Children’s Oral Health Survey. You can book an appointment right here through our website.
M. had broken, stained fillings and a chip on one tooth. Dr. Howard restored the area with three crowns and one veneer for an excellent result that thrilled our patient. To see more of our Before and After results, check out our Gallery.
As you get back into the rhythm of school life, make sure brushing twice a day is part of your family routine. If you’ve got reluctant brushers, here are some tips to encourage the habit:
Here are a few tooth-friendly foods to keep in mind for snacks and lunches.
Choose real fruit over fruit snacks and fruit leathers, which can cling to teeth & encourage plaque. Try bananas, apples, strawberries, grapes and mandarin oranges. Skip starchy & salty snacks like pretzels, chips & crackers. While low in sugar, these simple starches break down into a sticky goo that can coat teeth and cause cavities. For crunchy alternatives, look to sunflower seeds, almonds and baby carrots. Milk is a great source of calcium, but beware flavored options like chocolate or strawberry which have added sugars that can cause decay. Choose plain milk, string cheese and chunks of cheddar cheese. Colorful veggies can be very enticing to kids. Cherry tomatoes, strips of red and orange bell peppers, snap peas and edamame are great choices that feature vitamins and minerals that are great for teeth and gums. Other great combos include: baby carrots with hummus, sliced celery and apples with peanut butter, cheese and whole-grain crackers, and sugar-free applesauce. If you're shopping for school supplies, grab some extra toothbrushes so you can swap out new ones. Hard to remember when you last changed toothbrushes? Change it each time a report card comes out.